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Team 360

The team-based 360 leverages the power of multi-rater feedback to provide the group an accurate assessment of its most pressing needs. The team 360 typically involves an orienting session with Krysia and the group together followed by individual, confidential interviews. Krysia presents the findings to the group together with expert content to make sense of the implications and next steps. Teams complete the experience with renewed clarity and direction.  Her clients have referred to this work as cathartic; facing itself, the team is able to move beyond complacency and stagnation. 


Team coaching may also take the form of experiences and multi-day retreats.  Using the psychology of space and context, Krysia is able to deliver a team event with outcomes for group cohesion, unlike typical executive events.  In all cases, by tuning in to the underlying processes by which teams operate, Krysia raises awareness of strategies and possibilities to strengthen team performance. Highly interactive and unique; teams find remarkable insight through new experiences and deep reflection.

Education and Training

After understanding the needs of the team, Krysia designs and delivers training content specific to the team’s current dynamic, mission, and organizational context.  Typically, she prefers a longer format with a minimum of three hours to work with a team.  This time allows for reflection, rich discussion, unexpected feedback, and action-oriented processing.



Krysia works with teams in several ways, depending on the needs of the leader and the group. She approaches teamwork from the perspective of psychodynamic group process and social-psychological group dynamics.   

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